Account xi961226

All public entries submitted by xi961226 on GOT-10k, ordered by their submission dates.

User Account

xi961226, Yanshan Univercity.


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Method AO SR0.50 SR0.75 Hz Hardware Language Authority Date
1 GIFT 0.604 0.704 0.491 28.34 fps P100 Python Pending May 20, 2021
2 SiamFCplus 0.526 0.625 0.347 186.29 fps RTX2080ti Python Pending May 17, 2021
3 papersiamcar 0.579 0.677 0.437 17.70 fps RTX2080ti Python Pending May 15, 2021
4 SiamXZY 0.565 0.659 0.405 20.91 fps P100 Python Pending Apr 24, 2021